


歌詞 : 

When I was darkness at that time
部屋の片隅でI cry
もがけばもがくほど 突き刺さるこの傷
破られた約束hurt me 

Nobody can save me
止めて裂くようなmy love 

I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
舞散る悲しみyour song
居場所無い孤独なmy life
I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
Oh baby, help me from frozen pain
with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me 

I wanna need your love
I'm a broken rose
I wanna need your love

When you are with me at that time貴方の影を追いかけて
裸足で駆け抜けて stop me 

閉ざせば閉ざすほど もつれてくこの愛
緩やかにやさしく kiss me 

Nobody can save me
やさしく眠りたい my tears 

I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
枯れ堕ちる悲しみmy soul
崩れてく孤独なlittle girl
I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
Oh baby, help me from frozen pain
with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me 

I wanna need your love
I'm a broken rose
I wanna need your love

I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
舞散る悲しみyour song
居場所無い孤独なmy life
I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
Oh baby, help me from frozen pain
with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me 

I wanna need your love
I was a broken rose
I wanna need your love

Whan I was darkness as this time
兩唇顫抖 蜷縮在房間的角落 I cry
越是掙扎 越是刺痛的傷口
被撕的約定 hurt me 

No body can save me 你是我唯一的神
戛然而止的 破碎的my love

I  need your love.I'm a broken rose.
飄零的悲傷 your song
無處容身 孤獨的my life
I  need your love.I'm a broken rose
Oh baby, help me from frozen pain
with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me

I wanna need your love
I'm a broken rose
I wanna need your love

When you are with me at that time
裸足奔跑 追逐你的影子 stop me
越是掩埋 越是擔憂的愛
輕緩而溫柔地 kiss me

Nobody can save me
安然睡去 my tears

I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
凋落的悲傷 rose
黯然離去的 孤獨的little girl
I need your love. I'm a broken rose.
Oh baby, help me from frozen pain
with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me

I wanna need your love
I'm a broken rose
I wanna need your love

I  need your love.I'm a broken rose
飄零的悲傷 your song
無處容身 孤獨的my life
I  need your love.I'm a broken rose
Oh baby, help me from frozen pain
with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me

I wanna need your love
I'm a broken rose
I wanna need your love

    創作者 hellojsia 的頭像

    私 。 不思議世界

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